Family Constellations Workshop

Constellations Workshop: a personal transformation

Taller de constelaciones

What are Family Constellations Workshops?

He Family Constellations Workshop is a therapeutic space where we explore complex family and personal dynamics. In these workshops, our experts guide participants to represent family members, allowing deep emotional and behavioral patterns to be identified. Active participation is essential, since through representation, the issues that need to be resolved are revealed. These workshops are an opportunity to heal and understand your past and how it influences your present.

In a group workshop, we create a healing environment that acts as a guide for everyone involved. The group aligns itself with the intention of the person seeking a constellation, surrendering to the phenomenological experience without prejudice. In this way

era, each participant tunes into the healing forces and lets themselves be guided by them.

Contributions to your life

Family Constellation Workshops can have a profound impact on your life. They will help you address and resolve deep-rooted emotional issues, freeing you from patterns that may be hindering your well-being. In these sessions, you will be able to explore topics such as family relationships, emotional wounds, and more. Our workshops are supported by testimonials from people who have experienced significant improvements in their lives. His transformation is concrete evidence of the benefits of these sessions.

Benefits of a Family Constellations Workshop

Family Constellation Workshops offer various benefits:

  • Support Community: You will surround yourself with people with similar goals, which provides emotional support and comprehension.
  • Diversity of perspectives: By observing and participating in the constellations of others, you will gain a unique vision of your own family dynamics.
  • Personal growth: Releasing emotional blockages will allow you to move towards a brighter, balanced and meaningful life.

These benefits will be reflected in your daily life, improving your relationships and your general well-being.

The constellation workshops are experiential and phenomenological so transformation and well-being reach each person who participates.

This collective process generates a revitalizing energy that positively impacts everyone present and their personal systems. The resonance with these forces

Healing creates an environment conducive to the growth and transformation of each individual in the group.

beneficios de un taller de constelaciones

How to participate in a Family Constellations Workshop?

You have three options to get involved in our workshops:

  1. As a Client: Share the personal issue you want to explore and heal.
  2. As Representative: Offering yourself as support to the client, representing a member of their family system.
  3. As a Participant: Contributing your energy and focus during the constellation to enrich the experience.

Family Constellation Workshops are a path to personal transformation and emotional healing. Understanding family dynamics and releasing emotional blocks can lead you to a fuller, more satisfying life. We invite you to join us on this journey of healing and personal discovery. Don't wait any longer to transform your life.

Contact us for more information. We are here to answer your questions. Start your healing journey today!

Reserve your place

Dynamics of a constellation

In a constellation, both individual as group , the client is connected to the energy field in which the constellation develops.

The constellation begins when the person who constellates sits next to the constellator, and very focused, says in a maximum of three sentences what his topic is.

The constellator chooses among the participants and representatives of some members of his family system or represents it himself. From that moment on, the participants, in silence, only listen to their bodily sensations and the internal family dynamics emerge through the movements of the representatives.

The client is in reciprocal interaction with the energy field and guided by the constellator, he will say healing affirmations, fearlessly recognizing what the movements show and making conscious decisions that will act on the development of the constellation, since the movement of the spirit shows the way to the client, but it does not force him to take it if he does not decide so.

The constellator directs the constellation, restoring order, respect and love step by step until the energy is released and all the people in the system are seen with love.

This liberation allows for very deep and subtle changes, sometimes immediate, sometimes over time. After a while the person can appreciate the profound transformation in their daily life and begin to take responsibility for their life, with the wealth, support and love of previous generations.

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